OpenAI and Chat GPT

OpenAI is a research laboratory that focuses on artificial intelligence (AI). Founded in late 2015, OpenAI is dedicated to creating advanced artificial intelligence agents that can help people in a wide range of activities. One of their most successful projects is ChatGPT, an AI-based natural language processing (NLP) chatbot. ChatGPT is a chatbot that uses…

How Private Equity Ruined LastPass

As I and all of the news outlets have reported LastPass the password organizer has been breached, and gave up a lot of personal, and business data to hackers. As it turns out this was much bigger than previously reported, and a Wall Street firm is to blame for it. Read about LastPass’s history with…

The Mini PC Revolution

For many years when buying a PC we’ve had to choose performance over price, and size over performance. Now we can have it all, small formfactor, performance at a reasonable price. Born out of the need for small workstations to run office applications comes the mini-desktop computer. Very small case with very big performance. Talk…

Wyze Cams Update 2023

Wyze Labs manufacturer of a very popular line of security cameras, launched there first product Wyze Cam version 1 August 19, 2017. Since then they’ve produced a variety of products many of these products are not security related. These products have been met with varying success. Wyze Cam v3 For me the standout has been…

Repairing Windows Problems

You know my philosophy, “Don’t waisted too much time trying to repair issues, just backup your data and reinstall Windows,” but hear are some things you can try before taking that drastic measure. Here are a couple of commands you could try: Run System File Checker sfc /scannow This scan will check for any missing…

What’s Your New Password Manager?

LastPass what use to be my preferred password manager has had a hard time the Last couple of years. They have seen multiple security breaches which you absolutely can not have in a mission critical application such as a password manager. LassPass being no longer an option what should you next password manager be. After…

Reset Your PC

It is a fact that the best way to improve your PC’s performance is to reinstall. There is no registry cleaner or any other voodoo magic that will do what a reinstall will do. This is especially true when you test and experiment with software as I do. There is no way around it, a…

Revive An Old PC Or Chromebook

Chrome OS On An Old Computer Old PCs can still be useful even after viability. Installing Chrome OS on your old computer is a perfect option for that old machine. Chrome OS Flex is a version that you can install on almost anything. Flex can be installed on almost any computer manufactured in the last…

Get A Cloud Virtual Machine For Free

Yes, I am serious! Oracle Cloud has a free tier of their cloud infrastructure. You get a 200GB SSD, 4 instances of ARM Ampere A1 Oracle cloud CPUs, and 24GB of RAM. Oracle requires you to have a credit or debit card to use the free tier to deter the mischievous from accessing the free…

Learn The Linux Filesystem

Last month we learned the commands pwd, ls, cd, and basically how to navigate the terminal . Now we will learn the file structure of Linux and how to navigate it. NetworkChuck will show you where in the file-system to do what. Learn more Linux for Hackers.