WordPress.com Upgrades

WordPress.com is 100% free to use but there many premium features that you may consider purchasing. Probably the most nessesary  is a Custom Domains. Without this upgrade your domain will be yoursite.wordpress.com. This is fine for a for a hobbiest or temporary website. If your needing to draw a lot of traffic you need a…

Purchase Custom Domains

When you first get a WordPress.com account and you create a blog the blog will have a URL that looks something like this, blog.wordpress.com. You do not have to keep this URL or domain name. You can always buy a custom domain and from the WordPress Store. You will want to purchase the domain name…

Adding Custom Domain

When you start a WordPress blog you get a domain name that looks something like this fun.wordpress.com. If you want funhouse.com you must by a domain name and port it to your WordPress.com site. Fortunately you can do this without ever leaving WordPress.com.