Must Have Free Software

There is lots of free software out there but is it and is it really good, and where can you safely download it? Here’s some of my favorite programs…


VLC is a video player and so much more. First of all I use it as my default media player, because it is much lighter and less confusing than Windows Media Player. VLC also does a ton of things to media that is a whole topic in itself. Twenty five things you can do with it. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux.


Notepad++ is MS Notepad on steroids. This application is not only my note taking app, it is accentual for all of my programing. It has tabs so you can have several operations going at once. Unlike Notepad ++ has line numbers so you can find a particular line easily. For Windows only. I’m Using Sublime Text right now but it is only because I use it on Linux. The two apps are similar.


qBittorent is my favorite Bittorent client. It is light and free of any crapware. What is Bittorent?


7-Zip is a totally safe and Legit Windows File Compression Program similar to the old WinZip but this one is free and open-source.


Gimp is a very powerful image editor in line with the professional stuff. Like any complex, professional piece of software it is very difficult to use and you must be prepared to spend a lot of time learning it.

All of the programs above can be download safely from Ninite which ware I get much of the free software I use.

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