YouTube For Education


I know you’ve seen the sleepy cat videos, the failed skateboard stunts and the Cosplayers on YouTube. What you may not have seen is all the great educational videos. You can learn almost anything on YouTube. Anything from math to cooking. As a matter of fact, education videos are the largest growing area of YouTube.

Khan Academy

When you talk about education on YouTube you must first recognize the fine work being done at Khan Academy. Khan Academy Is a collection of YouTube videos and now a website created by Salmon Khan an MIT grad who started recording the videos for his nieces and it soon grew out of control with hundreds of videos and millions of views. Khan Academy website

The New Boston

The New Boston is a channel that can teach you a lot of technology from fro PHP to Javascript, form HTML5 to C++. There are even physics and math lessons. Buck Roberts the creator is really a great teacher and you can really learn a lot.

University YouTube

University YouTube is one more portal for learning of all kinds on the Internet. There are classes and lectures on many topic. Many of these come from really influential schools like MIT, Harvard and University of California.


You can find lessons on most any topic by using YouTube search. You could try a topic like “WordPress”. To get somewhat different results you could search for “WordPress tutorial (s)” or even “WordPress beginner tutorial”. Try it yourself with any subject.

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