Sharing Buttons

These days on of the best ways to get people coming to your site is using “social Media” like Facebook and Twitter. One of the best ways to coax readers to share your post on these social site is to use “Sharing Buttons”. To turn on the buttons go to “Settings” and then “Sharing”. Under “Share…

Arranging Your Workspace

In WordPress it is easy to customize your Dashboard or work area simply by dragging the tools to different locations in the space. You can also collapse by clicking “Click to toggle” on the bar above each tool. The tool or remove it completely by clicking “Screen Options” at the top of the Dashboard.

Using Exserpts

A SERP is a 139 character summary of your post that’s filled with many relevant keywords. The SERP is what is viewed in the search results page.

Embedding Other Content

We’ve embedded pictures and audio. We embedded video from Youtube and Vimeo. These are just a


WordPress now has its own URL shortener. If you need a short link to paste in Twitter or somewhere where the amount of characters is limited click the “Get Shortlink” button next to the permalink for the post. Copy and paste this link in your post. This is also easier to tell someone this URL.

Not A Blog

WordPress was originally created as a blogging platform but even though the default is a blog you can make a regular website easily.

Basics and Beyond

WordPress though simple to use it is a very big product with many features. This can make it a daunting task to learn WordPress. Thank goodness and the WordPress community for many fine resources like the support pages. WordPress Basics and Beyond Tutorials.