
The second storage app is SkyDrive. Microsoft’s Skydrive has been around for a few years but the user interface was not very handy for uploading large amounts of data. Now the Skydrive app sets  a folder on your computer and what ever you put in it is backed up just like Dropbox. Skydrive gives you…

Google Drive

The new kid on the block is Google Drive. G-Drive gives you 5 GB of space that intregrates with Google Docs so all of your stuff is in one place. Just like Dropbox the G-Drive application make a folder right on you computer and you’ll just save your file there. There are Google Drive clients…


Of course the first of these applications  is Dropbox. Dropbox has been around for a while and is used by millions. Once you download and install the application there will be a folder on your computer labeled Dropbox and everything you save in that folder will be uploaded to a server. You can add as… lets you quickly build simple and visually personal home-page  that points visitors to your content from around the web. You can put a short bio there, a picture of yourself and links to all of your content on the Internet. It is super easy and and everyone should have one. I built in about…

Web GL

WebGL (Web-based Graphics Library) is a software library that extends the capability of the JavaScript programming language to allow it to generate interactive 3D graphics within any compatible web browser. WebGL code executes on a computer display card’s Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), which must support shader rendering.

Chrome Web Store

The Chrome Web Store is a site where you can find extensions and web apps for the Chrome Web browser.

Cloud Print

Google Cloud Print is a new technology that connects your printers to the web. Using Google Cloud Print, you can make your home and work printers available to you and anyone you choose, from the applications you use every day. Google Cloud Print works on your phone, tablet, Chromebook, PC, and any other web-connected device…

Getting Started With Circles In Google+

Circles are Googgle Plus’s system for organizing the people you want to share with. You can organize people into groups like “Family”, “friend”and “co-workers”. You may share with everyone, a small group or one person. Instructions