Why Linux Mint?

Linux Mint is by far the easiest Linux distribution. It is extremely fast, stable, full featured and packed with all of your favorite opensource as well as some proprietary software. Installing Linux Mint is a breeze. Far easier than Windows. Linux Mint is a much lighter operating system, using much less CPU, disk space and RAM…

What’s Linux Mint?

Linux Mint is a Linux distribution based on Debian and Ubuntu. Mint provides full out-of-the-box multimedia support by including some proprietary software such as Adobe Flash. Mint was started by a couple of guys who though Ubuntu (the old Gnome desktop version) was great but they thought they should add some proprietary software by default. They…

What is a Linux distribution?

A Linux distribution (often called a distro for short) is an operating system made as a software collection based on the Linux kernel. All distros have the kernel, a packet manager like APT on Debian based systems and RPM on Red Hat based systems. Distros also have a default desktop environment like Unity for Ubuntu and…

What is Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating system and distribution, with Unity as its default desktop environment. Development of Ubuntu is led by UK-based Canonical Ltd., a company owned by South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth. Canonical generates revenue through the sale of technical support and other services related to Ubuntu. A default installation of Ubuntu contains a…

What is Linux and do you need it?

Linux is a opensource Unix-like operating system originally developed as a free operating system for personal computers based on the Intel x86 architecture, but has since been ported to more computer hardware platforms than any other operating system.  It’s popularity as a personal computer OS has languished but is now gaining popularity on web-servers, TVs, cars and…

Installing Linux Mint

Installing Linux Mint is easy. Far easier than installing Windows for instance but first you have to create the installation media. This is not intuitive. You will need a bittorrent program. Get qBittorent from Ninite. The first step is to download the Linux Mint 17.1 image file (ISO). Cinnamon desktop environment 32 or 64 bit…

Linux Mint 17.1

17.1 Rebecca is the latest release of Linux Mint. Unlike previous version 17.1 will not be based on the latest rendition of Ubuntu. Rebecca will not be based on Ubuntu 14.10, it will use 14.04 and it will continue to use it for the next two years. Like Mint 17, 17.1 will have Long Term…